Herbal medicine
For generations, herbal therapy has held a revered place in China and throughout Asia. Presently, the Western world is awakening to the enduring wisdom of this age-old practice, incorporating Chinese herbs to address a multitude of health concerns.
Acupuncture is a key component of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), and is most commonly used to treat pain by balancing the flow of energy - known as qi (pronounced "chee") - believed to flow through pathways in the body. Acupuncture involves inserting very thin needles into the body at strategic acupuncture points to treat different health issues. Acupuncture can help relieve pain and treat a wide range of other complaints.
If you are unwell or in pain, Chinese massage (known as Tui Na) can bring welcome relief. It is quite simply the most tried and tested massage therapy in the world and can be even more effective when used in combination with acupuncture. For chronic conditions, Chinese herbs should also be included as the third element of treatment.